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Friday, 12 October 2012

So There Are At Least 8 Types Of Vaginas. Which One Is Yours?

OMG! I just learnt this from Vera Ezimora, my friend and mentor, the host of one of my favourite radio shows. And I thought it wise to share with all of you! Seeing that its got the Men's perspective too. Bear with us, it's not too vulgar.

1. The Bone Head V

What Is It?: Chances are if you're on the petite or skinny end of the spectrum, you may have one of these. The Bone Head is more narrow and bonier than most vaginas. The exciting part about it is that it allows for a tighter fit that ensures a sensational sexual experience.

Male Review: The snug fit makes for great sex and stimulation. Although the Bone Head often times leads to great sex, it can be a little uncomfortable when a sensitive body apart is conjoined with a boney one.

2. The Fatty Lip V

What Is It?: Simply put, you've got plumper lips than the rest. They are so pert that they practically scream for attention. And, they're just so darn kissable.

Male Review: Luckily, guys agree. Fat lips are a crowd pleaser amongst the male population. Sources tell us that they are the softest of the bunch, very inviting and easier to find for penetration. Not to mention, it makes the men excited for some lip on lip action if you know what I mean.

3. The (Razor) Bump V

What Is it?: You are so into making sure everything is clean shaven, prim and proper, and the sexiest of the pack, but sometimes you run into a few mishaps.

Male Review: Guys definitely notice when a woman puts a great deal of work into keeping her vagina perfectly tamed. Ingrown hairs are not uncommon but fortunately, there are ways to avoid them. Getting onto a consistent waxing or shaving regimen can help, and an alcohol based toner like these Bliss Ingrown Eliminating Pads can help reduce shaving boo-boos.

4. The Expert V 

What Is It?: You're experienced and the vagina isn't shy about it. You've got those wide alleys for easy parking. At least that's what some men think. The truth is, the vagina expands as we get aroused.

Male Review: Guys like to pretend to like the easy entry, but in reality they are worried that their equipment isn't big enough to please you. This may lead to major bruised egos. Letting them know how great they are can do wonders so don't be afraid to stroke that ego a bit.

5. The Accessory V

What Is It?: Your vagina loves to accessorize with lots of extra loose and flabby skin in the surrounding area.

Male Review: The common misconception is that this type of vagina seems like its old, run down, tired or just got off a major diet. Fortunately, men really don't mind the extra skin so don't be afraid to embrace it.

6. The Jungle Fever V

What Is It?:  You've got a thing for comfort and relaxation and your vagina shows it. Shaving down there really isn't a priority to you.

Male Review: For the most part, guys don't normally have an issue with an unshaven vagina so don't feel obligated to start a new shaving regimen. Just keep in mind that finding pleasure island can get difficult while hiking through the jungle.

7. The Tight Wad aka Virginal V

What Is It?: Your body is as tight as it gets from those slender arms to that tight vagina. In fact, the walls may actually be closing in.

Male Review: If you own one of these, you're in luck because guys give this one two thumbs up. The snug fit allows for heightened sensations and a major confidence boost. Guys never have to worry about whether or not they are big enough and the close fit definitely makes them think your vagina was made specifically for them.

8. The Peek-a-Boo V

What Is It?: You definitely know how to work the room, but you're not exactly the life of the party. You've got that clitoris that is out just enough to give the perfect tease.

Male Review: A perky clit makes for the perfect plaything for the male species. Plus, they love the bigger orgasms girls seem to get with these. It makes them feel like they did their job just right.

Which one is yours?

Why am I sharing this? Three words: YOU NEED TO KNOW.

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